Imavita proposes preclinical models which can be used alone or associated with imaging modalities to permit the evaluation of efficacy of new compounds / new therapeutics treatments in development phase.
Species / strains
- Rodents (rat / mouse / hamster / Guinea pig)
- Non rodents (rabbits)
Healthy / normal models
- Type of studies
- Pharmacokinetics / early PK
- Pharmacodynamics / PK/PD relationships
- Biodistribution / Elimination evaluation
- Example of projects
- PK / early PK / PK/PD with serial or terminal sampling animals (in-life phase)
- PK on catheterized animals (jugular / femoral / combined) for PK and/or PK/PD studies (in-life phase)
- Bile / lymph / cerebrospinal fluid catheterized rats for pharmacokinetics evaluation / transport evaluation of molecules / PK/PD relationships (in-life phase)
Pathological models / induced pathologies
- Type of studies
- Evaluation of pharmacokinetics on pathological animals / impact of pathology on PK parameters
- Efficacy studies with different approaches:
- Classical approach / parallel groups
- Longitudinal study (repeated measure experiment) by applying imaging modalities
- Example of projects
- Efficacy of new molecules on skin healing (wound models) (See Dermatology applications)
- Efficacy of new molecules on in Psoriasis & Atopic Dermatitis (See Dermatology applications)
- Efficacy studies in myocardial infarction induced rat (see Cardiovascular applications)
- Efficacy of new molecules on bone healing in normal & osteoporosis rat model (see Osteoarticular applications)
- Access to conventional facilities / SPF / SOPF for rodents
- Access to conventional facilities for large species