This site is owned exclusively by:
Imavita company / IMAVITA S.A.S.
Physical address (Offices & Labs/Facilities):
Imavita company is located at:
Canal Biotech 1&2
3 rue des Satellites
Parc Technologique du Canal
F-31400 Toulouse – France
Tel +33 (0)9 72 60 18 16
Email: or fill the contact form
Company identifications:
SIRET identification: 790 379 747 00021
SIREN identification: 790 379 747
Registered at Commercial Court of Toulouse with number 790 379 747
VAT/TVA number: FR 55 790 379 747
EORI id.: FR 790 379 747 00021
DUNS number: 264 763 620
Activities / Domains of activities:
Research and Development (R&D) in biotechnology / biology.
NAF/APE code: 7211Z / NACE code: 7211
NAICS code (year 2022): 541715
UNSPSC code: 85131701
This website is hosted by:
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Tel +33 (0)3 20 45 36 80
Legal mentions / Website
- Simply accessing this site means that visitors totally and unreservedly accept these legal mentions.
- No data is collected without visitors’ knowledge and sold on to external third parties.
- Any information collected on this site will be used exclusively by Imavita SAS and its suppliers.
- According to the law 78-17 of 06/01/1978, any companies who have passed on information have at all times the right of access and rectification and may approach Imavita SAS to exercise this right.
- This site is exclusively for professional users who have all the skills necessary to use the products properly and without any risk to the end consumer.
- It is not intended to be used by private individuals. The general layout of this site and its components and all of the texts and images, whether animated or not, shown on this site are protected by French and international laws on intellectual property.
- The Imavita SAS trademark and logo are the property of Imavita SAS. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners are also protected.
- Any total or partial representation of this site or these trademarks without their owner’s express authorization, using any process whatsoever, is prohibited and would be an infringement or breach of rights.
- Imavita SAS cannot be held liable for any links to other sites to be found on this site. The same goes for the content of these sites, for which their authors and/or owners are solely liable, and for any links which might be created to this site from other sites, with or without our agreement. No third party, using or visiting this site may place a link to this site without express prior authorization from Imavita SAS.
- Visitors use this site at their own risk. Neither Imavita SAS nor any of its partners may in any way be held liable for any consequence whatever, whether direct or indirect, relating to or resulting from the use of this site.
- The whole of the site is published “as is” with no guarantees of any kind. It is impossible to guarantee that this site is completely free from viruses, mistakes or any other damaging item and we cannot accept any responsibility for any consequences or damage, whether direct or indirect, even if we were aware of the possibility that such damage might occur.
- All information of any kind appearing on this site is given in good faith and is based on our experience and our knowledge at the time of writing, and also on our suppliers’ knowledge and experience. However, they may not under any circumstances be taken as a guarantee and we may not be held liable in any way whatsoever, including legally, for the consequences of any mistake, or for improper, incorrect, imprudent or prohibited use of the aforesaid information or products shown. It is each user’s own sole and complete responsibility to ensure that our products and services are appropriate for the intended use and to use them strictly according to any technical constraints and regulations and patents currently in force, whatever the country.
- It is not possible to guarantee the confidentiality of any messages which might be intercepted over the network. Any information received on this site shall be deemed to have been neither solicited, confidential nor protected. If this site should be used fraudulently or illegally by a third party, Imavita SAS may not be held liable in any way and the company reserves the right to take any action it may deem justified.
- This text in its entirety is an integral part of this site. If part of this text or of the site should be incorrect, obsolete or should infringe the legal requirements, it is expressly stated that the rest of the content of the text in question and the site shall not be affected and remain valid.
- This text is supplemented by our general conditions of sale, which are available on request. This site may, at any time, be modified or shut down and this may not be the cause of any legitimate opposition or complaints.
- This site is governed exclusively by French law.
General Sales Conditions / Imavita CRO Services:
- The company Imavita S.A.S carries out research projects, technical and scientific studies, analyses and more generally all services which are in its field of competence.
- The services of the company Imavita S.A.S are carried out, subject to payment on request, for persons, communities, companies or public authorities under the conditions defined below.
- Only written orders on headed notepaper or official document of the client, signed and identifiable, are accepted. The services are implemented only after reception of the orders and/or signature of the study plans.
- The acceptance of particular conditions of sale automatically, carries, on behalf of the purchaser, the acceptance of the whole of these general conditions of sale.
- The present conditions are applicable except on express and written condition on behalf of the company Imavita S.A.S, which can be the general or particular conditions of purchase of the client and this determine the conditions of the sale.
- The responsibility of the company Imavita S.A.S is limited in particular by the monitoring which it exerts, by the checks and acceptance of equipment, affixing of signs, approval of technical documents, which do not change the legal obligations of its clients. Those clients remain entirely responsible for the conformity of their supplies and the products or samples subjected to tests.
- The company Imavita S.A.S avoids communicating to third parties, without prior agreement, whole or part of the information concerning work, which will be entrusted to it.
- The personnel of the company Imavita S.A.S is held by contract to not divulge the professional secret of the company.
- The company Imavita S.A.S can refuse to carry out a study if it appears to be contrary to its ethics, its abilities or its competencies.
- The company Imavita S.A.S can subordinate the execution of a service or the handing-over of a document to the preliminary payment of part of the total price of which it fixes the amount.
- The signing of the study plan by the client is considered as the order and involves the recognition, which the services of the company Imavita S.A.S constitutes an obligation of means and not a guarantee of the required result. It also involves an acceptance of the general conditions.
- During a study, the study plan can be modified by means of amendments.
- If the client wishes to stop a study or to differ it, he will have to inform the company Imavita S.A.S by a registered letter. On reception the company Imavita S.A.S is committed to ceasing work as soon as possible.
- If the company Imavita S.A.S is obliged to stop a study or to differ it, it will inform the client by a registered letter.
- Except by particular agreement, the client must place free at the disposal of the company Imavita S.A.S the products or samples necessary to carry out the service. The carriage costs are borne by the client.
- The client is held to take back his products or samples within 30 days from forwarding of the study report. After this time, the company Imavita S.A.S will proceed with their destruction.
- If the client requires that the products or samples be kept beyond the 30 days period, he must specify it on the order and indicate the exact duration. The cost of complementary storage is then added to the invoiced price.
- For any forwarding, the insurance, packing and transport charges are invoiced. The carriage of products to and from Imavita S.A.S is at the risk of the client.
- The company Imavita S.A.S cannot, in any case, be held responsible for the deterioration of the products or samples on account of their use in the study for which they were entrusted to him.
- The archives of the study will be transferred by the company Imavita S.A.S to the buildings determined by the client.
- Parallel to the development of the study plan, a quotation is established for standard conditions of execution of the services.
- Any modification in the object or the extent of the service or the conditions for implementation will result in invoice of the additional cost.
- In case of travel or visits, the costs are given only as an indication and are likely to be revised.
- Except by contrary request, the invoices are established in the name of the client and are payable by check or credit transfer or any other means under the conditions accepted on the quotation.
- If the payment is made after the date of payment foreseen in the quotation, delay penalties would apply at equal rate, without no preliminary formal warning being necessary. In addition, the emitted and not yet paid invoices would become immediately payable. The studies under development could be stopped without recourse to legal applications.
- If a study is stopped or differed by the client, he is obliged to settle expenses committed at the date of interruption.
- If a study is stopped or differed by the company Imavita S.A.S, the client will be refunded paid monies and this refunding will constitute a fixed indemnity for all the direct or indirect consequences of the stopping of the study.
- If the stopping of the study or a delay is due to force majeure such as accident, bad weather, etc, the company Imavita S.A.S cannot be held responsible. No indemnity can be claimed in this case from the company, whatever the cause.
- The documents concerning the results of the services carried out by the company Imavita S.A.S are drawn up with heading of the company Imavita S.A.S in the number of copies laid down in the quotation or the study plan and are dispatched to the client. Nevertheless, on request of the client, these documents can be dispatched to third parties indicated by him.
- In the case of long duration studies, notes and partial reports are prepared as provided by the study plan.
- On completion of the work, a draft of the report is addressed to the client before the completion of the final report. The report form is indicated in the quotation.
- Only the original documents and the certified copies are valid in respect of third parties. No modification or alteration can be done to these documents after they have been issued.
- Any abusive use of the results communicated by the company Imavita S.A.S or any abusive reference to its work will be dealt with in accordance with legislation into force.
- If the client wishes to publish whole or part of the obtained results, he must inform the company Imavita S.A.S whose name(s) of one (several) of his/her collaborators may be reproduced in the publication.
- Any possible recourse to the courts may be preceded by an arbitration whose methods will be defined under particular or definite conditions later on.
- Any dispute not settle amicably will be of exclusive competence of the court of Toulouse in which attribution of jurisdiction is made, even in the event of plurality of defenders or call for guarantee.
- This agreement is subject to the laws of France.