Imavita released the use of OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) for in vivo imaging in the following applications:

This imaging technique is available for in vivo (isofluran anesthesia) and/or ex vivo imaging and permits to accelerate evaluation of efficacy of compounds during course of projects or on sample collection.

Image example (atopic dermatitis model / ear):

Imavita OCT imaging

Imavita developed a quantification algorithm to permit measurement of epidermis thickness immediatley after image capture. Correlation and validation of this imaging biomarker was fully performed in comparison to histology.

Release of in vivo OCT imaging in preclinical models was performed on November 2018.

Categories: News

About the Author

Eric Lacoste ()

Veterinary with experience in biomarkers / imaging of preclinical species Founder of the company Imavita
