Wound healing models background / Clinical views
Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process of replacing devitalized and missing cellular structures and tissue layers.
That’s why wound healing models are necessary.
The human adult wound healing process can be divided into 3 phases: inflammatory, fibroblastic and remodeling.
Primary healing, delayed primary healing, and healing by secondary intention are the 3 main categories of wound healing.

Given the lack of efficacy and cost-effectiveness, there has been a lot of interest in new technologies that can improve wound care like nanotechnologies, biological drugs, mesenchymal stem cells, etc…
That’s the reason why preclinical models of skin wound healing are needed for testing efficacy prior to clinical testing.
IMAVITA is able now to propose operational efficacy testing service in this area.
Wound healing models / Overview
Wounds induction
- Thermal (burn wound healing 1st / 2nd / 3rd degrees)
- Mechanical (1st intention (suture /
- in rodents (diabetic / non diabetic) & large animals
Wound healing in different conditions:
- Normal conditions / Normal animals
- Ischemia / neuroishemia conditions
- Diabetic conditions
Evaluation of:
- Clinical macroscopic endpoints
- Macroscopic observations of wound
- Measurements of healing process (caliper): Wound diameter / surface, epithelialization diameter and dermal edge diameter migration
- Protocol defined scoring
In vivo imaging:
- Calibrated photographs / pictures of wounds
- Skin surface temperature using FLIR cameras for ischemia conditions control
Skin samplings for:
- Histopathology / Histomorphometry
- Immunohistochemistry
- Biomarkers analysis (inflammation markers)
Image analysis for in vivo or ex vivo imaging biomarkers quantification
Statistical analysis of efficacy data
On going R&D

Development of non invasive imaging evaluation for longitudinal studies in wound healing models (Fluorescence Tomography / Optical Tomography)