Imavita is investing in its own research in the following subjects:

- Cardiovascular Disease
- Osteo-articular Pathologies
- Dermatology
- Oncology
- Neurology
- Drug Disposition / Pharmacokinetics (PK) imaging
Imavita is an Innovative Young Company (JEI / “Jeune Entreprise Innovante“).
Imavita has Research Tax Credit agreement / CIR (“Crédit Impôt Recherche“) for years 2016 to 2020 (obtained on April 22th 2016 / download pdf file of Research Tax Credit Accreditation).

This agreement, obtained from the french authorities, permits to the clients working with Imavita to refund R&D spendings to their corporate taxes.
See the following links for more informations on CIR / Research Tax Credit: MESR (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche).